How to Set Up Your Goodreads Listing and Author Account

  • Post category:Author Guides
  • Reading time:4 mins read

How to Set Up Your Goodreads Listing and Author Account How Otterpine Can Help Once we have finalized your cover design and back cover copy, we will submit a request to post your book on Goodreads. We will take this information (along with other aspects like the ISBN, page count, etc.) and submit a request to the Goodreads Librarians (volunteers that update the Goodreads catalog). This method has the potential to work smoothly and in a timely manner; however, as volunteers, the librarians can sometimes work at a slow rate. It might take weeks or months for the librarians to reach…

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How to Write a Book Foreword

  • Post category:Author Guides
  • Reading time:7 mins read

*This guide should be shared with the person you ask to write the foreword for your book, if applicable. What is a book foreword? A book foreword introduces the reader to the author of the book and is written by someone other than the author or editor in order to bring credibility or validation to the author and their book. In order, a foreword appears first, before the preface and introduction. It's the first thing that people read when they open up a book. A foreword should draw the reader in, set the tone for what they're about to read,…

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Trade Journals

  • Post category:Author Guides
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Getting Reviews in Trade Journals A powerful thing you can do to garner attention for your book is to receive reviews in publishing trade journals, in addition to traditional publications such as newspapers, magazines, and high-profile websites. These reviews can also go a long way in convincing bookstores and libraries to stock your book, and it creates a kind of marketing ripple effect by adding a stamp of approval that other outlets will see. Even if you don’t receive a 100% gushing review, there will usually be at least a positive sentence or two you can use as a blurb…

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Audiobook Review

  • Post category:Author Guides
  • Reading time:3 mins read

How to Review Your Audiobook Otterpine will do a thorough “proof-listen” of your audiobook and you are welcome to as well, though it is not required. When reviewing audiobooks before publication, we recommend reading along with the PDF of the book. It's okay if there are a few spots here and there where the text doesn't exactly match up, as long as the meaning stays intact. What you want to listen for are any spots where:a word change affects the meaning of the passagesomething is missingyou notice any technical issuesthe actor’s performance drastically diverges from the intended tone of the passage.If…

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Production Process

  • Post category:Author Guides
  • Reading time:11 mins read

Explaining the Production Process The Production phase of your project covers the process of developing your book from manuscript submission to print, whether that’s an internal offset print run or set up on PoD (print on demand) platforms. This includes cover design, interior layout, and e-book production along with copyediting and proofreading. We’ll cover the process for copyediting in more detail in a separate document. Once production of your book is complete, Otterpine will also help you set up an internal digital or offset print run (if needed), and we’ll set up your book on PoD platforms like Amazon KDP, IngramSpark,…

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Editorial Process

  • Post category:Author Guides
  • Reading time:13 mins read

Editorial Process Following are the basics of what you can expect during the editorial stage of your book. Not all of these steps will apply to every project (and things may look quite different for ghostwriting and manuscript development projects), but the following explains the most common progression of steps needed to get a manuscript ready for production.Editing is a collaborative process between editor and author and can start at any point in a book’s life, depending on the needs of the project. At Otterpine, our editors strive to be guides and trusted partners in your publication journey, challenging you…

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