By Derek Sivers

Derek Sivers shares useful wisdom through a simple, profound mental model to help people make decisions. Overwhelmed? If you feel anything less than “hell yeah!” about something, say no. We say yes too often. By saying no to almost everything, you leave space and time in your life to throw yourself completely into the few things that matter most.

About the book

Useful wisdom. Simple profound mental models to guide your decisions.

After Derek Sivers’ “hell yeah or no” rule was adopted by podcasters, bloggers, and investors, he compiled related ideas into this useful, profound, and surprising book around the themes of what’s worth doing, fixing faulty thinking, and making things happen.


  • Be proud to be a slow thinker.
  • Goals shape the present, not future.
  • Assume you’re below average.
  • Life has no speed limit.
  • What’s obvious to you is amazing to others.
  • Relax for the same result.

Book Details

Available in hardcover, paperback, e-book, & audiobook

Formats: Hardcover Fabric Smyth-Sewn, Paperback Perfect bound
Page count: 144 pages
Trim: 5″x8″
Release date: 2020
Price: (Hardcover) $19.99 (Paperback) $14.99 (E-book) $9.99 (Audiobook) $5.95
ISBN: (Hardcover) 978-1-98-857506-3, (Paperback) 978-1-98-857511-7, (E-book) 978-1-98-857507-0, (Audiobook) 978-1-98-857510-0

About the author

Derek Sivers

Derek Sivers, author of Anything You Want, Hell Yeah or No, Your Music and People, and How to Live, is an ambitious creator with a laser focus on perpetually producing and creating. This unyielding ambition shapes the core of his decision-making, leading him to decline numerous opportunities to prioritize time for creation.

Beyond his creative endeavors, he possesses an insatiable appetite for diverse knowledge and alternative approaches to thinking and living. This hunger propels him to immerse himself in extensive reading and maintain a nomadic lifestyle, exploring different corners of the world. He resonates deeply with individuals who push boundaries and embrace personal growth.

His overarching philosophy aligns remarkably with Stoicism, emphasizing self-strengthening for a challenging future. Despite this alignment, he remains a skeptic, recognizing that opposing viewpoints may also hold truth. Intentionally shifting perspectives keeps his worldview dynamic and open.

Contrary to conventional paths, he doesn’t work for monetary gain. Some might label him as retired since his financial pursuits have taken a back seat since 2008. Yet, his ambitions remain fervently intrinsic and intellectual, dedicated to learning, creating, and contributing.

He finds solace in solitary workdays that stretch 12 hours or more, where ‘work’ is synonymous with indulging in what he loves—writing, learning, and creating. This intrinsic pursuit, whether in music, websites, books, or companies, mirrors the life of a novelist, driven by personal fulfillment rather than external validation.

This encapsulates a fraction of who he is—a deliberate, forward-thinking individual who cherishes silence, values time as a precious commodity, and maintains a simple and sincere life philosophy.

Words of praise

Derek Sivers is one of my favorite humans, and I call him often for advice. Think of him as a philosopher-king programmer, master teacher, and merry prankster. I might need to do a second volume of my next book 100% dedicated to the knowledge bombs of Derek Sivers. So much good stuff. Hard to cut.
Tim Ferriss
author, 4-Hour Workweek
I quote these vignettes in board meetings, meditation sessions, and to children. These short chapters are easily to relate to across all walks of life. The simplicity makes them so profound. I bought several of these books to share with friends. I didn’t buy enough.
Austin Moss
Sweetwater Sound


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