Some people have great ideas for books but don’t know where to start, or they may need a coach or accountability partner to keep them on track. Our manuscript development services can help you help you get your book written by providing you with support, accountability, and clear step-by-step actions you can take to achieve your goal.
This may mean coaching you to develop your concept, helping you put together an outline for your book, keeping you accountable to a writing schedule, sending you regular writing prompts, scheduling regular check-in calls, or simply being available to answer your questions and provide support throughout your writing process. Note that manuscript development on its own does not involve any writing or editing on our part—the purpose is to help you get your book written.
Some authors choose to take this collaborative relationship even further into the realm of ghostwriting. The ghostwriting process is unique to every project, based on what the author specifically needs help with. It might mean organizing and expanding upon your notes and turning them into a manuscript. It might mean taking your very rough draft and rewriting it. Maybe you have a great concept for a book but know your writing skills are not up to the task. Maybe you have a successful training program that you want to turn into a book but need someone else to take the lead in adapting it. Thought leaders are often busy people, and learning how to write a book from scratch may not be the best use of your time—we get it, and we can help!

Above all, ghostwriting is a creative collaboration to help you craft the best version of your vision. Ghostwriting differs from developmental editing in that we do most of the writing, rather than providing feedback for you to do the writing and revising yourself. This is a very time-intensive process that can last anywhere from a few months to over a year. Because of this, we take on very limited ghostwriting projects.