Our Authors
We love getting to know our amazing authors, and we are honored to help bring their unique visions to life. We have partnered with a diverse array of writers—from entrepreneurs, children’s wellness experts, and veterinarians, to professional guitarists and filmmakers, executive coaches, poets, and even a teenage novelist. The thing they all have in common is a deep passion for what they do—and great ideas for books.
This page is dedicated to celebrating our authors and the incredible work they do both in and outside of their books
Previously Published
Philosopher and slow thinker, entrepreneur, one of our favorite people ever, and author of Your Music and People, Hell Yeah or No, Anything You Want, How to Live, and the upcoming Useful Not True.
Co-founder of coaching company Reboot, horse whisperer, all-around deep thinker and compassionate presence, and author of The Art of Being Human at Work.
World-renowned guitarists and authors of the book String Theories: Tips, Challenges, and Reflections for the Lifelong Guitarist. Adam has worked with Norah Jones, Tracy Chapman, and many others, and Ethan is currently touring with Michael Bublé.
The wife and husband team behind My SuperHero Foods children’s wellness brand and authors of children’s books My SuperHero Foods and My SuperHero Sleep, as well as The Ultimate Guide to Avoiding Seed Oils in Your Kitchen and Sunny Side Up: A 28-Day Breakfast Meal Plan for Busy Families. Plus the nicest people you’ll ever meet.
Entrepreneur, founder of Woodies sunglasses, author of End Small Talk and an upcoming title about his experience spending a year offline. Wonderfully introspective and might be the coolest person we know.
AI and machine learning expert, YouTube extraordinaire, health enthusiast with the best smile ever, and author of the novel Charlie Walks.
Independent filmmaker and author of Yes You Can: How to Make a Movie for Almost No Money, who works outside of the Hollywood system to write and make movies her own way. An inspiration.
Anti-racist organizer, coach, and artist using her passionate voice to translate her experiences into her important book, White Women, Get Ready: How Healing Post-Traumatic Mistress Syndrome Leads to Anti-Racist Change.
Systems designer, founder of Designing the Mind, very thoughtful guy, and author of Designing the Mind: The Principles of Psychitecture, Mindsight Introspection Cards: 81 Exercises for Self-Awareness, Philosophical Conversation, and Life Affirmation, along with several other titles.
Web designer, website fixer, garden enthusiast, and author of Your Website Sucks: Here’s How to Fix It and several upcoming titles
Marine engineer, hiking enthusiast, world traveler living with four daughters out of an RV and developing a homestead in Alaska, and author of Hiking South Korea.
Teenage world traveler, author of the middle-grade novel The Magic Sphere, and a huge inspiration to us.
Entrepreneur and activist with an incredible story and mission. The visionary brain behind Generation Hope: How Inclusive Economics Can Help Us All Thrive.
US Air Force veteran who achieved financial independence by 35, financial coach for military servicemembers, wonderfully motivated and easygoing at the same time, and author of The Military Money Manual: A Practical Guide to Financial Freedom.
Dog-loving sibling author duo. Military veteran, entrepreneur, veterinary technician. Authors of The Essential Dog Owner’s Guide.
Thought leader and executive coach helping leaders grow their impact and author of You Have a Choice. Fun fact: Eric was a choral singer for 20 years and sang with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, along with many other talents.
Musician, comedian, and author of Spanish book, Bebé Azul.
Small business advisor with a jolly soul who distilled his knowledge into Output Thinking: Scale Faster, Manage Better, Transform Your Company.
Entrepreneur, web engineer, polymath, writer, illustrator, and author of Wandering Spirits: A Book of Modern Fables and an upcoming title.
An incredibly grounded poet, speaker, healer, and founder of a wonderfully soulful coaching service. The heart behind the poetry collection, Phoenix Medicines, and an upcoming title.
Multidisciplinary artist, singer/songwriter, fashion designer, language enthusiast. Poetic heart behind Love Unfolding. Wonderfully down-to-earth.
Award-winning author, bug-eating initiate, and author of her middle-grade novel Boy Bites Bug along with several other titles.
Otterpine is thrilled to partner with the amazing team at OSV to support their new innovative publishing venture, Infinite Books, on multiple titles. Infinite Books aims to support authors across disciplines on works that provide unique insights while inspiring and uplifting readers.
- JIM O’SHAUGHNESSEY: Brilliant thought leader who may be the most well-read person we’ve ever met. A fantastic conversationalist and author of many books, plus a curator of an upcoming title.
- TINKERED THINKING: Optimist, designer, visionary and a wonderfully unique thinker. Author of the upcoming utopian sci-fi story collection.
Julia Considine Pierce
Teacher, healer, and author of an upcoming children’s picture book, the first in a series of books about reproductive health and spirituality for girls and women across their lifespans.
Inspiring social entrepreneur, coach, activist, and author of upcoming book about leveraging personal storytelling for leadership.
Compassionate thought leader who helps people learn how to thrive with ADHD. Author of the book Extra Focus.
Insightful coach and loving dad. Author of The Pathless Path, a powerful story about finding a new path for work & life.Paul does a wonderful job of sharing what he’s learned about indie publishing with his community. Also just love his inspiring approach to work.
Kendra’s approach to organize systems at home and work in a way that’s soul-aligned is just lovely. We love working with her team, Leslie and Leah, who are just a stone’s throw away from us in Asheville. We can’t wait to share stories and coffee with them in person soon.
Guillame Racine
Startup founder, investor, and e-commerce executive helping company leaders explore their inner selves more deeply with his upcoming book.
Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Solarcycle. World-renowned researcher in sustainable technology solutions, environmental activist, and author of an upcoming book on the science and solutions around climate change and other environmental impacts. Plus also a musician.
Kristy Johnson
A dear friend of Otterpine, wonderfully introspective and spiritual soul, and the author of an insightful upcoming children’s book. Kristy is probably the most alive and compassionate person we know.
Inspiring and contagiously energetic corporate executive, speaker, and coach. Creator of Spark Your Zeal, a transformative program to help people reignite their passion for work and life. After spending 5 minutes with Nadia, you can’t NOT be excited about whatever you talk about with her.
George Nostrand
Witty musician and former journalist, providing a humorous yet informative look at how to stay sane as a working musician in his upcoming book.
Former Otterpine team member, world traveler, and passionate foodie. Creator and visionary behind the upcoming card deck, Food Stories.
Send us an email to introduce yourself and your book, to say hi, or to share something random.
Or even better, send us a letter or postcard. We always reply.
81 Broadway St Suite 201, Asheville, NC 28801