By Courtney Daniels

If you’ve been trying to sell a spec script, attach a star, raise financing for your film, or even just get someone to return your email, you already know it might take a while. So why not do something while you’re waiting for other people to do something?

About the book

This practical, no-nonsense guide to indie filmmaking will provide you with the tools and insider tips you need to make your movie with little to no budget. Written by an experienced and successful independent filmmaker who has paved her own way despite the odds, this book can help anyone—regardless of experience, education, or funding—to follow their dreams and actually make a movie.

YES YOU CAN will lead you through every step of the low- to no-budget filmmaking process, from screenwriting, casting, and pre-production, to set lighting, directing actors, post-production editing, film distribution, and more. Author Courtney Daniels shares everything she’s learned, providing expert insight and personal anecdotes that will prove invaluable for any filmmaker who wants to do things their way. This book will give you the tools you need to make a super low-budget film—for yourself, by yourself—without waiting for anyone’s permission or blessing.

Book Details

Available in paperback & e-book

Perfect bound, 256 pages, 6″x9″, September 18, 2023
Price: (Paperback) $24.99, (E-book) $9.99
ISBN: (Paperback) 978-1-955671-28-6, (E-book) 978-1-955671-21-7

Book Details

Available in paperback & e-book

Formats: Paperback perfect bound
Page count: 256 pages
Trim: 6″x9″
Release date: September 18, 2023
Price: (Paperback) $24.99 (E-book) $9.99
ISBN: (Paperback) 978-1-955671-28-6, (E-book) 978-1-955671-21-7

About the author

Courtney Daniels

Courtney Daniels is an independent filmmaker from Houston, Texas who lives in Los Angeles. She has written, directed and produced three feature films, What Other Couples Do, Bedroom Story, and This Fucking Town.


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