Phoenix Medicines

  • Post category:catalog
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Phoenix Medicines A Transformative Journey through Consciousness By Raileigh Duschen Phoenix Medicines is more than a collection of words—it’s a guide and companion that reminds the reader to celebrate their inherently resilient spirit. Raileigh's poetic reflections on the trials and joys of young adulthood embodies the message that the greatest and most meaningful transformations often happen when one rises from the ashes of their former self. About the book Phoenix Medicines: A Transformative Journey Through Consciousness is a collection of poetry, short stories, meditations, affirmations, and prayers of a young and astute woman of color empowering her way to freedom…

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Introducing Phoenix Medicines: A Transformative Journey through Consciousness by Raileigh Duschen

  • Post category:Book Release
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Otterpine is over the moon to announce the release of Phoenix Medicines by best-selling author Raileigh Duschen. This soulful collection of poetry, stories, meditations, affirmations, and prayers serves as a lyrical map detailing the empowering voyage of a young woman of color blazing her own path. Raileigh is our neighbor, calling the mountains of Western North Carolina home after leaving a promising medical career path in Florida many seasons ago. Raileigh’s journey down a shamanic path with yoga and meditation has deeply inspired her creative and professional work. As the founder of Conscious Lifestyle Coaching, Raileigh uses her transformative skills…

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